Shattering Walls Series: Understanding Childhood Sexual Abuse in Boys and Men

When: Wednesday, April 5 - 12:00 PM

Duration: 1 hours

Location: WebEx

Event Details:

Society is becoming increasingly aware of male rape. However, experts believe that current male rape statistics vastly under-represent the actual number of males who are raped each year. Rape crisis counselors estimate that while only one in 50 raped women report the crime to police, the rates of under-reporting among men are even higher (Brochman, 1999). Until the mid-1980s, most literature discussed this violent crime in the context of women only. The lack of tracking of male sexual crimes against men, and the lack of research about the effects of male rape are indicative of the attitudes held by society at large --- that while male rape occurs, it is not an acceptable topic for discussion. Source: NCVC “Get Help” General Information

This webinar will present information about the experience of childhood sexual abuse (CSA) of boys and men.  The varying types of sexual abuse will be explored as well as dispelling myths about childhood sexual abuse and perpetrators. Special attention will be given to the ripple effects of CSA, how boys and men respond differently than females to CSA, and how the cycle of victim to abuser can occur. There will be a discussion about the myriad of interventions that promote recovery from the trauma of CSA, and how providers can optimize their ability to assist victims of CSA in their healing.