The Impact of Technology and Social Media on Youth Mental Health

When: Monday, November 9 - 1:00 PM

Duration: 1 hours

Location: Webex

Event Details:

Young people are growing up in the digital age. Their relationship with technology and screens is complex and multi-faceted. Technology and social media use have been linked to negative mental health effects in youth such as anxiety, depression, loneliness, and eating disorders. However, there are also positive associations such as staying socially connected, civic engagement, sharing resources, and creating virtual communities and support systems. 

When addressing the effects of technology and social media on the mental health of young people, providers may want to talk about technology and social media in a way that is nuanced and reflects an understanding of how young people can both benefit from and be challenged by their complicated relationship with technology and social media.

This webinar will (1) review the research on the relationship between technology, social media, and youth mental health, (2) offer providers the language and tools to help youth and teenage clients assess their relationship with technology in a way that is healthy and positive, and (3)address the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on technology/social media use and mental health as in-person experiences such as education and socializing have shifted largely to a virtual setting.