Clinical Intensive - Part 3: Complex Trauma and Strategies to Build Attachment
When: Monday, February 8 - 11:00 AM
Duration: 1 hours 30 minutes
Location: Zoom
Event Details:
Training III: Supporting caregivers in identifying effective responses for shifting trauma behaviors
· Participants will learn and describe 3 primary needs that drive trauma behaviors
· Participants will gain an understanding of “Go To” responses for shifting trauma behaviors
· Participants will practice part II of the “Rule of 3’s” technique to apply specific strategies for responding to trauma behaviors
· Participant will apply the concept of trauma sensitivity in selecting additional behavioral support strategies
Space is limited. Register now!
When you sign up, you will be registered for all three trainings. Attendance to all three is required to receive the CEs. There will also be a short pre and post-test to assess learning and the understanding of our training effectiveness.
About Our Trainer:
Kristine Kinniburgh , LCSW
Kristine Kinniburgh, LCSW is currently the Director of Trauma Services for JRI Connecticut, Faculty member for the Complex Trauma Treatment Network and a National Trainer and Consultant for the Center for Trauma Training. In this role, her primary focus is on ensuring that trauma impacted individuals and their families receive quality care that emphasizes the promotion of resilient outcomes. With Dr. Margaret Blaustein, Mrs. Kinniburgh is co-developer of the Attachment, Regulation, and Competency (ARC) treatment framework (Kinniburgh & Blaustein, 2005), and co-author of the text, Treating Complex Trauma in Children and Adolescents: Fostering Resilience through Attachment, Self-Regulation, and Competence (Blaustein & Kinniburgh, 2018; 2010), the foster parent curriculum ARC Reflections (Annie E Casey Foundation, 2017) and the caregiver skill building curriculum, ARC Grow (Kinniburgh & Blaustein, 2016) Mrs. Kinniburgh has had the honor of learning from and collaborating with countless individuals, programs and organizations in the US and abroad that share her passion for and commitment to supporting individuals who experience and are impacted by chronic adversity.