NYS BH VBP Readiness Program Webinar: BHCC Workplan and Budget Templates
When: Thursday, February 8 - 9:30 AM
Duration: 1 hours
Location: WebEx
Event Details:
NYS OMH and OASAS will provide a summary overview of the BH VBP Readiness Program BHCC budget and workplan templates.
The BHCC budget and workplan templates were: A ) sent to the BHCC leads via email on 1/18/18; and, B) will be made available on the VBP BHCC webpage https://www.omh.ny.gov/omhweb/bho/bh-vbp.html.
BHCC lead, network, and affiliate providers are invited to attend this webinar to ensure they are familiar with these templates, and will be able to submit them as part of the program deliverables. BHCC lead agencies should forward this webinar invitation to their network and affiliate providers.