The Importance of Identity Affirming Care

When: Monday, November 18 - 12:00 PM

Duration: 1 hours


Event Details:


Identity affirming care is incredibly important as many of our lenses are embedded in cis-gender, hetero-normative, and dominant culture.  The social context of growing up LGBTQ today is necessary to consider especially given the vulnerabilities for youth who may be struggling or feel rejected by their larger society, community, or family.  For example, it’s been well documented that transgender people may not seek care or treatment due to experiences of feeling disrespected or discriminated against.

This webinar will focus on the importance of identity affirming care, including the social context of growing up LGBTQ and identifying ways to communicate LGBTQ inclusive and affirming care. This will include opportunities to consider the fluency of terminology and recommendations on making services and spaces more welcoming, culturally appropriate, and humble.